We are pleased to announce that we’ll be making two changes to the pool schedule.
1. Effective Tuesday August 11, the time period between 10 and 11 AM each weekday (Tuesday – Friday) will be reserved for Seniors, ages 60 and over. Please be respectful and observe this restriction.
2. The pool schedule will be extended until September 13. Entertainment opportunities are few and far between right now, so extending the pool schedule will provide more opportunities for recreation. Please note the following schedule:
September 1-6 (Tuesday through Sunday) Pool open regular hours (10-8)
September 7 (Monday – Labor Day) Pool will be OPEN regular hours (10-8)
September 8 (Tuesday) CLOSED FOR TREATMENT
September 9-13 (Wednesday – Sunday) Pool Open – NEW HOURS 10 AM till 7 PM
Please note earlier closing time. Pool does not have lights and cannot be open after dark.